Tranquil Village Charm
The "Shegolskoe" village was abandoned by its people even before the cataclysm. Through some agents’ eyes, it may still look quiet and peaceful, but this first impression is deceptive.

Operatives frequently visit the village to collect active matter while weaving between houses, front gardens and abandoned vehicles.

The water tower offers an excellent view that helps to plan a safe route or catch an unlucky scavenger in the crosshairs of a sniper rifle.

Before entering any house, it's worth checking the windows to see if any threats are lurking in dark corners.
Danger can also come from above if you find yourself near a gravitational distortion; an area of space that has changed its physical properties under the influence of active matter.

Small apartment complexes stand on the outskirts of the village, where the gravity there is also capable of throwing surprises at you.
When heading to Shegolskoe, be prepared to listen for rustling sounds, be watchful for what’s above, and engage in combat under unfavorable conditions. Good luck, operative!