Closed Beta Test Registration is Now Open!

Starting today, registration begins for those willing to participate in our game's Closed Beta Test!


How will I know if I received access to the Closed Beta Test (CBT)?

You will receive messages about CBT stages via the email linked to the Gaijin account you’ve used for the application. We will explain there how access to it will be granted.

When will the CBT start and how long will it last?

Information about the Closed Beta Test start date and duration will be sent to your email closer to the time.

Do I need a Gaijin account to participate?

Yes, you will need a Gaijin account to participate in the Closed Beta Test, which you can create for free if you don't already have one.

Does applying for the Beta Test guarantee my participation?

The application guarantees that we will inform you about the Beta Test start date and how to participate. Please note that the number of test participants is limited.

Will the Beta Test be available only on PC?


Why do you accept CBT application via Gaijin.Net accounts only?

Unfortunately, other services do not allow the developers to selectively send out CBT invitations to people that expressed interest in the game, and they do not have a closed forum for discussing the game directly with developers. Therefore, we use the Gaijin.Net service, where these features are implemented.

Will there be commemorative gifts in the game for CBT participants that will be kept in the final version?

Yes, we plan to do this.

When do you plan to start selling the full version of Active Matter and how much will it cost?

The exact date and price haven't been determined yet, as they depend on the Closed Beta Test results among other factors.

Who is developing Active Matter?

Matter Team is an internal studio made up of experienced developers, including veterans from Darkflow Software that worked on Enlisted and CRSED: Cuisine Royale, as well as fresh talent bringing new perspectives and ideas. Matter Team developed the latest CRSED: Cuisine Royale updates, but Active Matter is their key project right now.